Portal overview
  • 21 Dec 2022
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Portal overview

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Article summary

When you sign in to the Smart Building Cloud portal, an overview page opens that shows high-level data about the property or properties you are monitoring. The overview page you see depends on the resources you manage: Portfolio Overview, Building Overview, or Tenant Overview. In this article, we explain these pages in more detail.

Portfolio Overview

Some View customers use View Smart Building Cloud to manage and monitor information across multiple properties in View. If you are one of these users, when you sign in to the portal, it will open to the Portfolio Overview page.  The page defaults to the All Properties Overview, which lists each of the properties you manage, its address, and occupancy information. The page includes a graph of aggregate real-time occupancy across all properties. In the drop-down field above the graph, you can modify the time range to show counts from today, yesterday, the last 7 days, or the last 14 days.  

Screenshot of the Portfolio Overview page in View Smart Building Cloud.

Aggregate real-time occupancy data on the Portfolio Overview page is shown in the viewer’s local time, regardless of the time zone of each managed property.

Select an item from the list to open the Building Overview page and see detailed information about that property.

Building Overview

If you use View to manage a single building, when you sign in to the portal, it will open to the Building Overview page. The Building Overview page shows different data and widgets, such as building occupancy numbers or environmental status, depending on the sensors and information you have chosen to monitor for your building.  

The Building Overview page, which includes different widgets for Occupancy, Environment, and Users. It includes soe high-level data and each section has a link to take you to more details

Real-time occupancy data on the Building Overview page is shown in the viewer’s local time zone, which might not correspond to the time at the building location. For example, if you work in New York but one of the properties you manage is in California, the times shown in the Building Occupancy graph are in Eastern Time, although the data is live (and the local building time is three hours earlier).

Each summarized section includes a link to take you to a page with more details. You can also get to each of those detailed pages from the top menu, depending on the information available for your building.

Tenant Overview

If you are a single tenant who monitors information for your company only, the portal will open to the Tenant Overview page at sign-in. Like the Building Overview, this page shows different widgets depending on what your company has chosen to monitor, and you can select a link to see more details for that section. However, the data presented is restricted to your company only, even if View Smart Building Cloud is enabled for other tenants in your building.

Screenshot of the Tenant Overview page, which shows different widgets and data, similar to the Building Overview page.

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